fuck the press


“Remember, the press is a business:
Newspapers and magazines are in business to make money –
sometimes at the expense of accuracy, fairness and even the truth.”


‘Tired of injustice
Tired of the schemes
The lies are disgusting
So what does it mean?’


Well, guys, need to talk.
There is another confession to make.
There is something to clarify.
There is a theory to debunk.
There is a misconception to fix.)

As some of you might remember and the rest could figure it out, TNZ was named after the most impudent and cynical media-source, actively participating in MJ’s death hoax, known as TMZ. Due to the set of reasons and first of all thanks to their exclusively early report of MJ’s death (a few minutes before the death was pronounced) TMZ got a reputation of the main media-partner of the hoax. And TNZ, truth be told, played important role in this — that beautiful postmodernistic idea of a friendly media used to set up a media hoax was too elegant and perfectly fitted our idea of MJ as an intelligent joker. (And, actually it IS a nice idea.)

In spite of еру complete realisation that TMZ are unprincipled bastards, we were impressed with their wit and boldness and didn’t rule out the possibility of the alliance between Harvey Levin and Mr. Jackson. Sure, we never thought that TMZ serve to the force of light and truth, but their lie had a noble mission to serve the justice — or so we thought. So the idea of TNZ (that stands for ‘True News Zone’) was the opposite of TMZ, a gossip site with the area of ​​interest = ‘Thirty Mile Zone’, i.e. Hollywood.

We thought, that Harvey Levin’s past of a lawyer, his experience and involvement in O. J. Simpson’s case could make him a useful source, a someone special, granted with such a historic role — participation in Michael Jackson’s death hoax. The ambitious idea of TNZ as the main source of truthful hoax-related news (yeah sounds weird) born out of the idea that TMZ is a main source of false hoax-related news.

Well, it’s been quite some time since TMZ  had strengthened in the image of an official hoax media-partner. It was tenderly nicknamed ‘Total Michael’s Zone’, believers got used to look for clues in every MJ-related and unrelated news, and became assured that TMZ staff reads hoax forums, answers believers’ requests, plays the games with them, and gets the favorite hoax insiders & informers verified. Leave alone Harvey’s famous hints and slip-ups about MJ being alive, hilarious TMZ polls & links to the hoax investigating sites. Harvey Levin is a lawyer, a former reporter, and he is from Hollywood — so ‘he just CAN’T be not aware about the hoax!’

harvey show

It’s been really a hell of a lot of time spent in decoding MJ’s messages on TMZ. MJ peeing in a cup in front of the audience, the costs of MJ’s cosmetic procedures, MJ’s hidden wives, illegal kids, gay lovers, and many many many other ‘very well-coded’ messages… And what the hell was this supposed to mean?  — believers were puzzling over each mystery. ‘With such confusion don’t it make you wanna scream?’

TNZ were puzzled too. Because there were also some signs in favor of the theory that TMZ is not a part of the hoax, at least not voluntarily. There were another pieces of the puzzle and another messages in favor of the version that Harvey Levin is not a friend of MJ and not his ally.

But we so used to think that everything is not what it seems, that this started to seem to us an axiom and the only approach. So we forgot that even this vision is not what it seems. Forgot that sometimes things exactly ARE WHAT THEY SEEM. Bullshit. Gossip. Speculation. The most paradoxical is that we believers forgot this: just because it’s in print doesn’t mean it’s the gospel.”

Since TNZ is partly responsible for creating this monster, and since our opinion still matters for many, we guess it’s time to confess: we were wrong. And to make a statement: TNZ is positive that TMZ is neither a part of the hoax, nor MJ’s ally. TMZ is just another tabloid, and if MJ considers all the tabloids his personal enemies, well, TMZ is just one of them. They just took the bait MJ offered them and became a tool in the fight against their own kind.  They were duped and used as the rest of media, who (involuntarily) help to spread the myth. 

This media-hoax is not over yet, and hope there will be a very spectacular endgame.

Meantime, TNZ requests you to reconsider everything you thought about this and offers you this little, but eloquent set of quotes belonging to smart people who described TMZ’s position in the hoax better than we’d ever be able to.

mj-tnzmj 0tnz1


(**MJ** was an insider who used to post at Larry King’s Live blog right after MJ’s death, and judging by exclusivity of his information and truthfulness of his predictions was MJ himself.)



‘TMZ IS tabloid with a slick tongued unethical owner who likes to profess his “lawyer” background repeatedly.  Well LEVIN, pimping GARBAGE should be against the law. Perhaps you need to revisit ethics 101 before spouting off credentials that actually showcase a flawed, money hungry media whore. Hypocrite!

You and your cohorts have my permission to use that as a sensationalized headline.’

/ BACK, 10.25.2009


back on tmz

(*BACK was an insider who used to post at  for years, and allegedly was MJ himself. Interesting, that he continued to post after MJ’s death.)


TMZ has now become the 7th REMIX to the Bible around here. That sensationalist driven male version of Dianne Dimond who runs it gets more due dilligence here than Mother Katherine! How ridiculous is that? Change is hopefully over the horizon!

Keep WATCHIN’……. ‘

/ BACK, 30.05.2010

deception will


‘MJ has those buffoons running around in circles like blind yip-yapper dogs buzzed up on crack trying to sniff out their own shit. Like I said — falling right into the TRASH…. ugh, I mean TRAP. ‘

/ Front, March 14, 2013


black list

Behind The Hoax:

The next intriguing character deserves personal introduction. He appeared on Twitter on August 16, 2010 and TNZ was one of 6 accounts he had followed. Alas, we were not ready to understand his messages, but still it’s been preserved in TNZ archives. Sorry, man, sometimes it takes time to understand some simple things. But better late than never, right?


“… Seems someone is Running Out of Ideas again…
Daily Income: $34 USD. Overall Value: $24,977 USD.
Keep in mind the previous tweet peeps, it’s going to be THRILLA.
TIAI redirect today was to some TMZ articles about Elvis Presley and as usual, people still follow TS. I’m going to take this with humor. This is serious stuff!

That serious people even see Michael in Elvis’s weave! “notice the HUGE MJ face in the hair” –> solid argument! For sure this must be a clue Michael is alive! Who can even try to debunk or dismiss that! TMZ put a huge MJ face using photmzshop to give their followers an OMGuCANTargueTHATbitch proof they are in the hoax. Some serious ‘investigator’ said: ‘I’m positive TMZ won’t let us down!” Now on a more mature note…

WTF has Elvis Presley’s hair to do with Michael?? How did u get to the conclusion TMZ put those articles there for a hoax purpose? How do you know TS (Tmz Staff) is not part of TMZ and he makes you believe they are in the hoax for their own benefits?

Some say: “Tmz does not gain money with only hits, but with ads” –> that’s a big fail, and if TS was that honest he should have told u that TMZ’s daily income is of $11250 USD, monthly income of $337 500 USD & the overall page value is of $12 318 750 USD. Ever since TS’s last update #6 he started focusing on Elvis more than Michael.. and that doesn’t help at all.. nothing from what Michael said or from what he left us as clue lead us to believe he was inspired in Elvis’s “hoaxed death”…
People took everything for granted because someone said they had to do so.

On MJHDI you can’t be neutral… if you think alike you’re welcome but if you think different you rather get banned, ridiculed or insulted. That happened to a lot of people, and many left because they felt the admins and TS were playing with their minds. (more on this later)

Back to TMZ. They still a tabloid and they always proved that with most of stories they wrote about Michael. What makes them different from NYP or The Sun? They called him a freak, Jacko, made fun of him and the list could go on..they got no respect for anyone.. Wasn’t Michael the one who said not to believe the media because they lie? Now why would he ask them for help?

Just the fact of hoaxing his death is already a win for Michael since that would prove the press can’t think for themselves. And that once something is out in the media the rest is copy TMZ’s. Link to MJHDI is just a proof they are very aware of that forum. They used it to make people believe they are in the hoax and therefore it was Michael’s idea to list it. But that’s not like that.


tmz hoax site

(one of TMZ article)

Assuming they make money with every hit they get & that they are a tabloid which already made fun of Michael.. It’s safe to say they are not in the hoax but playing with the people to make them believe they are and in consequence get more page hits ( = money).

tmz blogroll


Please, read that article and try to recall it, when next time you will see ‘7’ in tmz article and start thinking it’s a clue from Mr. Jackson. 
 “This is how I’ve always viewed the supposed TMZ link to a staged death — I think they were fed the premature news of death because someone knew they’d run with it. At some point Harvey (a frequent target of Back’s, remember) began to suspect what happened and that’s when the games with believers started. In one of his posthumous rants against TMZ back says smth like “it’s the 7th Remix of the Bible”. Blood on the Dance Floor, History in the Mix is 5 original songs and 7 remixes – the 7th song is a remix of Money.
Remember on TMZs TV show, Harvey was talking about MJs deeper voice in 2000 Watts and said “… if he was dead. Well, I mean, he is dead…” ? And all his humming and hawing when CNNs Don Lemon asked how he got the news prior to official time of death? He didn’t just say “I can’t reveal my source”. He didn’t want to say “I got punked!” :) “

“Put on your dancin’ shoes
If you so choose
Do the Hokey-Pokey Hoax Hustle
Army of L.O.V.E. can’t lose

Media wants to feast their eyes on this
While we do the Hokey-Pokey Hoax Mix
But wait, it cannot be confirmed
What happened to early bird gets the worm?
Nah, better not report it–think about it over some rum
But no matter what you write, you still sound dumb”

/ Front, 13.01.2012

“p.s. don’t you just love it when the media manipulators GET manipulated?
a “headline” within a headline…..
a hoax within a hoax….. a painting within a painting…..
a plan within a plan……. or perhaps……
A Dream Within a Dream.”


  1. “Just because it’s in print doesn’t mean it’s the gospel.” I so agree with this statement. Media remains media, indifferent if it´s tabloid trash or assumed serious media. I can´t count how often i.e. AP or CNN relied on TMZ´s reportings and quoted their articles. And where does this lead us? Never give a dime on something that you don´t see with your own eyes. Take it with a grain of salt and simply smile. ;)

    1. Exactly.

      And. MJ didn’t initiate his friends into his plans, and he would tell Harvey Levin? Ha. They can guess and flirt with the hoax as much as they want, (plus, conspiracy theories make ratings too), but they can’t pronounce MJ alive. Too much risk to look too stupid.)

    1. Have no idea. have never understood and still don’t understand what Illuminati has to do with the hoax. TNZ personally thinks, NOTHING. as well as Elvis, telepathy, Apocalypse, Ark and other popular BS.

  2. All his life the media scripted Michael’s life; now Michael gets to feed his script to the megaloids. How does it get any better than that for sweetness? lol

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